Brent, I would not make the disk out of Delrin or UHMW as there is quite a bit of force in the tracks. Plastic covering the pins might work but could be chewed up pretty quickly. I would do both out of stainless even though it is more expensive. The other option is probably similar to the other two designs that you mention which would use a cross arm piece attached to the wheel and the bolts are attached with a pin at the end of the arms. That means the guides up toward the edge of the hatch must rotate to account for the changing angle of the bolts as they drive home or a thin bracket with an elliptical hole for a guide might work. This solution is easier for the home builder as it does not require the cutting of a non-linear slot as in the previously attached image. A third method is much more complicated to machine but provides a more thorough closure a slotted rotating ring on the hatch that engages with a similar fixed ring on the hatch seat. The benefit of this is that the center of the hatch is clear for a larger viewport looking upward as the closing gear that operates the turning ring is offset to the side. R/Jay Resepectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas Save the whales, collect the whole set. From: [] On Behalf Of Brent Hartwig
From: Brent & Vance, Came across this mechanism today which would be suitable for securing the hatch closed. The end of the bolts have a slight bevel on them so when driven home by turning the hand wheel, more closure force is applied the further driver home. Hopefully the attached image will make it through. R/Jay Resepectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas Save the whales, collect the whole set. From: [] On Behalf Of Brent Hartwig