----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005
2:07 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:
Variable Ballast Calculations, Bill
Hi Dan.
My hybrid design ideas were towards
enabling a person who was going to build an ambient ANYWAY, to enable them
to go a bit deeper.
You wrote...." If you put in safety valves to
release any positive pressure you had in the hull in case you rise too
to the surface and they release
air, you won't have the air to put in the tanks later
You would only have a hull interior
overpressurized situation if you were accending while ONLY using your
dive planes to power
you upwards, because if you were accending
other than using your forward motion and planes, you would be using your
tanks to accend and would therefore be
pumping the air down and not have an overpressure situation
So the only time overpressurization
would occur, is if you were forcing her up with the dive planes only,
while your
ballast tanks were full, and you forgot to
pump down the interior air and push it back from the hull's interior into
the ballast
tanks that would push the water out. If that
occured, your overpressure valves would automatically open those ballast
valves to the hull interior and would pump the water out automatically. The overpressure
valves would be your backup so you never overpressurized.
Those overpressure valves could open
your ballast tank's water inlet valve and using
the compressed air volume of the hull's
interior push the water out of the
tanks using either your hulls expanding atm and then you would be equalized at the surface. So you
would NOT
lose any air out of the hull or the
ballast tanks and the overpressure valves would compensate for you
automatically if
you did not remember to pump the air
I hope I explained it good enough and the
above was what you were asking if you were missing Dan.
The latest posts show that even Carsten says
it will work. But he has the same question as you do of
His concerns about the hybrid's complexity
for no depth gain over a typical 1 atm sub's depth capability,
make a
lot of sense, as do yours.
So after thinking about it, I think the best
thing would be to go ahead and build a 1 atm sub and make
sub a 1 atm/ambient hybrid. Imagine an
already 1 atm sub design that had a max operating depth of say 400 ft. If
you built
your ballast system like this for it,
you could compress the atm in the sub by filling the ballast tanks and
having those tank's
valves open to the hull interior, then you
would close off those valve and seal the hull again, and be able to
dive even your
1 atm sub deeper than you safely normally
could. At least we know the 1atm/ambient hybrid idea can be done. It can
be done
looking at it from the view of a normally
ambient that sometimes become a sealed hull that allows it to dive deeper
than a normal
ambient, or we can look at it from the view
of a normally 1 atm sub, that also uses a hull air compressing
system to allow it
to dive deeper than normal also. We know they
did it with the Hunley, perhaps we could use that same principle on a
modern fully
1 atm sub design to increase her depth.
I appreciate your helpful comments and valid
points as do I everyone's.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005
8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST]
Re: Variable Ballast Calculations, Bill
Maybe I'm missing something.
Why all the fuss to build a sub that you
need to be careful not to surface all the way before shifting air from
one place to another.
First of all you can't control your depth
that easily. You don't always have the option of stopping your
assent as 33 feet or where ever as a diver does. Some times you
hardly know your moving until you see the surface right there a foot
above you. If you put in safety valves to release any positive
pressure you had in the hull in case you rise to close to
the surface and they release air, you won't have the air to
put in the tanks later on.
Since your building a pressure hull anyway,
why not use 1/4 inch plate instead of 3/16, or whatever. Build a
one atmosphere sub. You'll have a safer sub and a simpler sub to
operate with no need to take extra precautions with hatches,
viewports, and valves for an internal positive pressure
Please explain if I'm missing
Dan H.