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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

Michael B Holt wrote:

> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:49:16 -0800 Doc <doc@bionicdolphin.com> writes:
> >
> >>   There's no support for gadget-men these days.
> >
> >Sure there is Mike,, they're called junkyards or surplus depots or
> >recycling centers now.
> It's not like it used to be.   I could go to Busbee Electronics to
> pick up the headset I needed, or the control head to the wingtip
> lights on a P-51 or any of those bits of hardware essential to
> a good project ... but it's gone now.   The auto jubnkyards that
> also sold tank, truck and boat parts aren't here any more.  I don't
> have the choices I had before.   We all must admit that Vietnam-era
> airplane parts are a lot less interesting than WW2-era airplane parts.
> >Junkyard Wars and Monster garage are great shows and I've met quite a
> >few young ladies that would rather watch that than sports.
> *sigh*   I don't know any girls like that.
> > I fell in love with a girl because she loves to build Hotrods &
> >Harleys from the ground up, she just swoons when I show up
> >in my grubbies with a rose in one hand and a toolbox in the other.
> I suppose her sister is married.
> Mike H.

Sorry Mike, she's the only daughter of a Crane operator and ex-Seabee.
Now I know this may hurt, but, she lets me keep all my other girlfriends
and toys too!
And forget it guys,, I'm not giving out her phone number.
