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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 04:12:00 +0800 "Warrend Greenway" writes:
>I think that often times fathers don't realize that their
>daughters are open to mechanical things, and so don't nudge
>them in the right direction.

Daughters become the province of their mothers.   Mothers 
hope their daughters turn out to be like the mothers, and 
perhaps to marry into money.   Fathers play with daughters
after their mothers have trained the little girls.   Some times
we get no chance at all to bend them to matters mechanical.

> I think it's shocking how few
>young men have any interest in things mechanical. I know of
>one besides myself in the area I live in. What's up? Where
>have all the inventors and gear heads gone?

There was a short note in Scientific American bemoaning the fact
that most radio amateurs these days do not build their own rigs.
Go into a Radio Shack with the parts list from a project in a mag
like Electronics Illustrated from the 60s -- you may not able to
get all the parts!    There's no support for gadget-men these days.


Mike H.

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