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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

What's up? Where
>have all the inventors and gear heads gone?

There was a short note in Scientific American bemoaning the fact
that most radio amateurs these days do not build their own rigs.
Go into a Radio Shack with the parts list from a project in a mag
like Electronics Illustrated from the 60s -- you may not able to
get all the parts!    There's no support for gadget-men these days.

Mike H.

Sure there is Mike,, they're called junkyards or surplus depots or recycling centers now.
Junkyard Wars and Monster garage are great shows and I've met quite a few young ladies
that would rather watch that than sports.
 I fell in love with a girl because she loves to build Hotrods & Harleys from the ground up, she
just swoons when I show up in my grubbies with a rose in one hand and a toolbox in the other.
