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[PSUBS-MAILIST] K-350 hull cost

Maybe Dan could give us an idea of what he spent to purchase steel for his K350.
That figure along with the battery cost could give everyone an idea if this
realistically can be done on the proposed budget.

Sure Jeff!
These prices are for the materials and rolling the steel.  All the rest I did in my shop so have no costs for it.  I didn't want to keep a record of the time. 
I'll price it in three parts.  All materials are either Stainless Steel or PVQ grade 70 carbon steel.
First the main part of the hull.  The steel, rolling costs, end caps, welding wire and rods totaled to $1770.  That includes the cost of the viewport ring in the front of the hull.
The conning tower and hatch cover materials with the heavy collar that mates it to the hull cost $1339.  This price included the four steel rings for the viewports but not the lenses.  Also I should point out that is with a stainless steel conning tower top ring and a carbon steel hatch cover ring.  The 25 inch diameter by 5/8 thick stainless steel ring was $359.  The carbon steel ring of the same size was only $110.
Also the K-350 has two battery pods. The material for both of them ran about $400.
When you look at this list, a sub looks cheep but don't be fooled. Little things like stainless steel piping and valves along with all the other little goodies that are required, run up the tab quite a bit.  I'm about three quarters done and have a bit over $10, 000 in it. I still need the electronics, eight batteries and a bunch of little things the finish it.  It sure doesn't look like that much until you add up the bills.
Hope this helps,
Dan H.