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Re: Updated: a big scoop of Halon

Dick Morrisson wrote:

> > David Buchner writes:
> >
> > "Anyhow, it's been raining way too long here, and I'm spending way too much
> > time writing e-mails like this every few hours. I think my house might
> > qualify as a submarine right now."
> >
> No good Seattle-ite can let a comment like that pass.  You think you got rain
> buddy?  Come to the pacific northwest and see what rain is all about!  We have
> two seasons out here, "The rainy season and the Fourth of July!".  One
> exasperated visitor asked a local boy if it ever stopped raining here and the
> boy said, "how do I know, I'm only 6!"  Out here hydroplane races are just the
> morning commute!  Seattle-ites don't get suntans, they just rust!  Ducks migrate
> from here just to dry out.  Our state tree is a tall variety of moss.  The state
> animal is a slug.  I don't want to hear you whining about rain anymore till
> you've endured 90+ consecutive days of rain (last December through this March).
> That was fun!
> Dick

Why, that's NOTHING!!!  When I was a boy . . . oops, this isn't the retro Monty
Python list - where the hell am I?

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."

   Groucho Marx