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Re: Updated: a big scoop of Halon

At 1236 -0700 05/11/99, John Brownlee wrote:
>	You can get the carbon content from the count and type of the other
>halogens as the structure of halogenated hydrocarbons follows a particular
>pattern. I don't have my Merck handy, but that is what I recall. Don't
>remember if halons are just single chain alkanes or what. I'll let you know

Eeeee -- chemistry! Alright, stop right there mister. Good God man, e're
only building submarines here.

>when I get back from the telescope.

You lucky, lucky bastard.

And Vance said:
>What do I look like? A Chemist? And besides that, the guy I asked wasn't
>certain why the iodine doesn't have it's very own number. Maybe its not
>enough to worry about?

Oh, I'm not worried. And how do *I* know what you look like?

Anyhow, it's been raining way too long here, and I'm spending way too much
time writing e-mails like this every few hours. I think my house might
qualify as a submarine right now.

Osage MN USA