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Re: Updated: a big scoop of Halon

> David Buchner writes:
> "Anyhow, it's been raining way too long here, and I'm spending way too much
> time writing e-mails like this every few hours. I think my house might
> qualify as a submarine right now."

No good Seattle-ite can let a comment like that pass.  You think you got rain
buddy?  Come to the pacific northwest and see what rain is all about!  We have
two seasons out here, "The rainy season and the Fourth of July!".  One
exasperated visitor asked a local boy if it ever stopped raining here and the
boy said, "how do I know, I'm only 6!"  Out here hydroplane races are just the
morning commute!  Seattle-ites don't get suntans, they just rust!  Ducks migrate
from here just to dry out.  Our state tree is a tall variety of moss.  The state
animal is a slug.  I don't want to hear you whining about rain anymore till
you've endured 90+ consecutive days of rain (last December through this March).
That was fun!