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Re: Hooray (ignore this message unless you want to stick a forkin your eye)

Good one Dave! Laughed for 5 minutes solid!

Standard pre disclaimer follows;... this is not related to subs at all... it is
meant for humor purposes only...any other use is a violation of federal
law...it is understood that my toung is firmly planted in cheek...If you agree
to this then read on...:-)

Dave you left out a couple of things. You forgot to warn that sticking a fork
in your eye might hurt a little but it's worth it. It may prevent someone from
doing something real stupid and dangerous like building a homemade sub. You
should be more careful with the advice you give and also don't hold out so
long. I'm just sorry that I didn't get your warnings sooner. For me it's too
late I already built a sub and now I can't afford a good fork. It just figures
I'm almost a total vegetarian.
On the other hand maybe you found a cure for optical rectosus. That is a
dangerous condition, it's when your optic nerve gets cross linked to your
rectum and it gives you a $h!ty out look on life. Let me know how it works out,
ok. :-)
Maybe I could afford a used fork, or does anybody got a good fork they want to
trade for a sub?

Post disclaimer... If you read this far and you still want a sub....All I can
say is you have been warned.

Oh no, is this what happens to a person that hangs around this group too
Sorry I may have been down too long in my sub. Lack of oxygen to the brain and
all that.
If only I had a good fork, I could have used it to pry open the sub before it
was too late.
Soon we will be sticking the fork in the dead horsie that is riding the flaming
popsicle stick sub into the sunset while the dog sits on shore barking and
waiting for his master to return.
Ah I feel better now! :-) LOL
That's all....that's enough!

> Attention all readers of this list -- especially those who are reading the
> archives without first reading the disclaimer on our website: It is vitally
> important that you stick a fork in your eye at the earliest opportunity.
> The presence of unwanted vegetables is appropriate but not absolutely
> necessary. The important thing is that you stick a fork in your eye. Soon.
> Hurry. Do not delay. Whether you have your own submersible, are building
> one, or you're just daydreaming, you must stick a fork in your eye. A salad
> fork is preferable. This is a very good idea. You do not have to do your
> own research or hire an engineer; we have done your thinking for you. Just
> stick a fork in your eye. Testing is expensive and thinking is hard. So by
> all means, take our free advice and let the
> opthalmic-insertion-of-eating-utensil commence. Even if you have no
> interest in submarines or boats or even water -- even if you dislike lawn
> ornaments with a nautical theme, even if you stumbled upon this message by
> accident, still you really should stick a fork in your eye. Even if you've
> never seen the movies "The Hunt For Red October" or "20,000 Leagues Under
> the Sea" or "Operation Petticoat," you can still believe what you read here
> and stick a fork in your eye. You might think it's weird to just do things
> because some weirdo on the internet tells you to, but I'm on the internet,
> and I'm here to tell you: stick a fork in your eye. Lots of people take
> advice from strangers all the time, it's perfectly normal. And lots of
> people stick forks in their eyes. You should stick a fork in your eye too.
> Look at that Psychic Network thing; you see ads for that all the time, so
> go ahead and stick a fork in your eye. You can get lots of good information
> and advice using computers, and this is some of it, right now: stick a fork
> in your eye.
> ---------
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner
> Osage MN USA