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Re: Hooray (ignore this message unless you want to stick a forkin your eye)

On Wed, 12 May 1999 14:41:05 -0400 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>Good one Dave! Laughed for 5 minutes solid!
>Standard pre disclaimer follows;... this is not related to subs at
all... it is
>meant for humor purposes only...any other use is a violation of federal
>law...it is understood that my toung is firmly planted in cheek...If you
>to this then read on...:-)

I also clicked on the icon over the words "I am over 18," too.

>Dave you left out a couple of things. You forgot to warn that sticking a
>in your eye might hurt a little but it's worth it. It may prevent
someone from
>doing something real stupid and dangerous like building a homemade 

Hey, you mean they allow you guys to have forks??!!!    It's funny, but
they won't let *me* have a fork.

>On the other hand maybe you found a cure for optical rectosus. That is a
>dangerous condition, it's when your optic nerve gets cross linked to
>rectum and it gives you a $h!ty out look on life. Let me know how it
works out,
>ok. :-)

Optical rectosus only happens to one's boss.   Or to one's employees.

>Maybe I could afford a used fork, or does anybody got a good fork they 
>want to trade for a sub?

I have some plastic sporks.   If your eye is the consistancy of jello,
they'll work.

>Post disclaimer... If you read this far and you still want a 
>sub....All I can say is you have been warned.

I guess, if it's this bad, I should go back to designing a 3/4 replica
of the XP-55.    But then I'd need a pilot's license.    Damn.   It's 
always something.

>Oh no, is this what happens to a person that hangs around this group 
>too long????

Only if they have a sense of humor.

>Soon we will be sticking the fork in the dead horsie that is riding the
>popsicle stick sub into the sunset while the dog sits on shore barking 
>and waiting for his master to return.

Nah, it's a zebra.   Or maybe a unicorn.

>Ah I feel better now! :-) LOL

Hey, all this reminded me: I wanted to ask if anyone has ever
taken their psub under a sheet of ice?

Mike Holt


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