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Re: Updated scoop on Halon

In a message dated 5/11/99 7:58:47 PM, Buchner@wcta.net writes:

<<At 1647 -0400 05/07/99, VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
>Halogenated Hydrocarbon Gas (HALON) is composed of Carbon, Bromine, Chlorine,
>Fluorine and Iodine and is always listed in that order in numerical form.
>The number identifies the component quantities (parts per measurement, I
>suppose)[...] Halon 1211 is used in fire extinguishers
>and has a Chlorine component and is toxic. We can rule this one out. On the
>other hand, Halon 1301 is used in what is called "total flooding areas" [...]

Okay. If there's five components, why only four numbers indicating their

What do I look like? A Chemist? And besides that, the guy I asked wasn't 
certain why the iodine doesn't have it's very own number. Maybe its not 
enough to worry about?