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Re: Speed control RTFM

Dave Everett wrote:

> At 11:43 14-05-99 -0500, Nathanael Henderson wrote:

> [snip]            The best choice for motors that draw the sort of current these
> do, is
> IGBT's. I used IGBT's once in a plasma cutter and welder where the current
> was about 100amps. Many people use FET's for this sort of thing, but FET's
> that can handle this sort of current are very very expensive.    [snip]

> about 4 components is all you need to make a PWMer that could drive the
> IGBT's.    [snip]     IGBT's are more expensive than switches.

Um - I forgot to RTFM.  Anyone speak english?  (I realize that "ENGineering is
obviously the root word to "ENGlish").


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."

   Groucho Marx