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more about Fuel Cells Technology

In my previous message, I erroneously wrote NaOH2 instead of NaH. The "waste" from the
processed powerballs is NaOH which can be fully recycled to NaH again or being used as it is
in industrial processes.

For comparison,
1 gallon of liquid hydrogen = 778 gallons of Hydrogen at sea level and room temp.
1 gallon of metanol = 342g H2 = 1001 gallons of Hydrogen a.s.l. and room temp.
1 gallon of NaH powerballs (65% by volume=NaH) and water produces=287g H2=841 gallons of
Hydrogen a.s.l. and room temp.

The potential energy stored in 1 gallon of NaH (if 100% conversion efficiency)=11.2KWH
The current PEM fuel cells are rated to about 60% efficiency which means 6.7KWH of available
electric power from one gallon of NaH.

But for p-subs there still exists a problem in handling "potential" emissions of gaseous
hydrogen in a closed environment with a potentially high concentration of oxygen and several
potential sources for sparks.


> Another, similar, technology is currently available and really promising. The NaOH2 solid
> pellets named Powerballs store a quantity of energy similar to methanol but ....

Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

Viale Tricesimo 5/6
33100 - UDINE - ITALY
Tel. (+39)0348-2611707
e-mail: pavel@mail.nauta.it