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Fuel Cell technology

Mike here in Malaysia
Guys (and Ladies)
I was trying to figure out how to power my vehicle without resorting
to diesel fuel or something else, and the local TV channel here showed
something on a hydrogen fuel cell, which uses hydrogen gas, and that a
commercial vehicle (car) Might be available by 2004. What if you used
a fuel cell for a submersible and produced the fuel by electrolysis of
[sea]water. The oxygen produced could be pumped into tanks to augment
internal atmosphere and the air inside the sub could be  bubbled into
the seawater before electrolysis and any free carbon then taken out
with the waste from electrolysis. By compressing the waste, it can be
used for ballast, if you need to throw out ballast the waste bricks
would just dissolve back into sea water.
Any comments? Anybody think it would work besides me?


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