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Re: [NOISE] Re: A wife speaks!

Axel Iehle wrote:

> >Axel Iehle wrote:
> >>                 "I want my husband to pay more attention to me.
> >>                 Do you have any parfume that smells like Psubs mailing
> >>list?"
> >> - Hi Rick, Hi Phil, Hi Gary, Hi Jon (Shawl), Hi Paolo!

Eh, mon Dieu!  Est-ce-que c'est possible qu'y il ya des femmes sur la liste?
AAAAAhhhhhhh......  mon pauvre territoire des hommes!  Bien sur des vrais hommes!!
Des hommes qui regard le Monday Night Football, naturellement!  (pardon mon francais
- je manque des mots et des phrases des fois).

Non, une liste comme ce lui ci (cringe) n'a pas des "flames".  We are in the process
of cooling down the flames.  There are one or two incidents still to smooth over off
the list?  But, "Axel", your husband is lucky to have such a supporting and HOT woman
like you - you said hello to the five hottest guys on the list!!!  (notice who's
first - ahem)

> >Is this list an exclusive club? Should I be proud that Jon is in it,
> >or should I start worrying now?  Anyway, he say HI!
> Nope, that was just a friendly "all-is-OK-hello" to some heads I remembered
> having seen in the flamming-magma that filled my mailbox since a week or so.

Magma?  A little like one of the Aventures de TinTin?  His submarine will soon be
available to the list.

> But I like the way
> you analyse it: exclusive list with no information wether it's good or bad to
> be in! Delightfully ambiguous, hmmmm?... ;-)

Non, non, Cher!!!  ONLY strictly technical submersible stuff, OK?  I held my hand 2
centimetres over my modem and the vibrations from the list said something like
"OMIGOD - the WIVES have gotten hold of the keyboards".

But, fear not,  NO ONE will flame a woman.  You can get away with murder here.

> Flamming? Did I say flamming? OK, not so flamming: no one was killed. Yet.

Ahhh, a woman's intuition.  Let's all be nice, hmmmm?   :-)

> Perhaps the good question here, instead of asking "who owns a sub", would be
> "who owns a gun"?! ;-)

Well . . . , vraiment c'est la grande question sensitif, especialement dans les

> And to apologize for no technical content, here's some valuable info for those
> who payed attention to the "Change to metric" posts:
> 1 meter is actually equal to    39.37 inches
>                                 3.2808 feet
>                                 1.0936 yards
>                                 Amazing no?! ;-)

We switched to metric close to 20 years ago.  I love the ten metres ~ =one atmosphere
part.  It makes life easy.

Take care!


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)