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[NOISE] Re: A wife speaks!

Debbie wrote:
>Axel Iehle wrote:
>>                 "I want my husband to pay more attention to me.
>>                 Do you have any parfume that smells like Psubs mailing

>Hi,This is Jon Shawl's wife.  This is a rarity that Jon actually doesn't have
>control of the computer.  Seriously, just have patience. If he is anything 
>Jon, it kind of goes in waves.  And you have to strike between waves. 
>If you think
>the Psubs mailing list has stolen your husband,

Hi Debbie, pleased to see a woman here. Particularly with such a great sens of 
(N.B. I hope nobody was fooled by my adaptation to Psubs of a comics found
on the net: Axel is a male firstname!)

>> - Hi Rick, Hi Phil, Hi Gary, Hi Jon (Shawl), Hi Paolo!

>Is this list an exclusive club? Should I be proud that Jon is in it,
>or should I start worrying now?  Anyway, he say HI!

Nope, that was just a friendly "all-is-OK-hello" to some heads I remembered 
having seen in the flamming-magma that filled my mailbox since a week or so. 
But I like the way
you analyse it: exclusive list with no information wether it's good or bad to 
be in! Delightfully ambiguous, hmmmm?... ;-)
Flamming? Did I say flamming? OK, not so flamming: no one was killed. Yet. 
Perhaps the good question here, instead of asking "who owns a sub", would be 
"who owns a gun"?! ;-)

And to apologize for no technical content, here's some valuable info for those 
who payed attention to the "Change to metric" posts:
1 meter is actually equal to 	39.37 inches
				3.2808 feet
				1.0936 yards
				Amazing no?! ;-)

