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Re: Accident data

Speaking of sub movies, did you all see Cousteau's movie about subs
that included:
1- a rescue simulation of a diving-saucer trapped inside a cave (if I remember 
well in the end it was no more a simulation: the sub was really blocked.)
2- a small-scientific-subs meeting
I 'm not sure wether it was part of Cousteau's prod. too, but I also saw (and 
should have the viseo somewhere) of the real rescuing of a russian scient. sub 
(what was it's name?...Nimbus? Benthos?...).


> Hi Michael,
> > >I think it would be nice to collect some stats. Maybe once a year the
> > members
> > >could report in how many dives they did in the year. How many accidents.
> > >With accident reports. How many deaths.... This way we can learn from 
> > >each others mistakes.
> > 
> > Ray, I love the idea of a list of numbers of dives and acident reports.
> > If you'd like for me to be the contact person, I will do so.
> > 
> I second the motion. Michael your it. Let me know when you got something
> ready for the web site.
> Everyone,
> Pull on your thinking caps. Any submarine accidents out there? Anything from
> professional, military, PSUBS. I think all accidents should at least be
> looked at for relavance for the group.
> I seem to recall a movie some years ago about a research sub that got tangled
> on some cables. It had two chambers. One was a diver lock out chamber. It
> was designed for one man but some kid went along for a ride. Being untrained
> the kid hyperventalated and used up all the oxygen before they could be
> rescued. The rescue occured via a tethered ROV with a grappling hook!
> I think Jason Robard's played the ROV operator. Was this a true accident?
> Any details? Name of movie?
> Regards,
> Ray