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Accident data

Hi Michael,

> >I think it would be nice to collect some stats. Maybe once a year the
> members
> >could report in how many dives they did in the year. How many accidents.
> >With accident reports. How many deaths.... This way we can learn from 
> >each others mistakes.
> Ray, I love the idea of a list of numbers of dives and acident reports.
> If you'd like for me to be the contact person, I will do so.

I second the motion. Michael your it. Let me know when you got something
ready for the web site.


Pull on your thinking caps. Any submarine accidents out there? Anything from
professional, military, PSUBS. I think all accidents should at least be
looked at for relavance for the group.

I seem to recall a movie some years ago about a research sub that got tangled
on some cables. It had two chambers. One was a diver lock out chamber. It
was designed for one man but some kid went along for a ride. Being untrained
the kid hyperventalated and used up all the oxygen before they could be
rescued. The rescue occured via a tethered ROV with a grappling hook!

I think Jason Robard's played the ROV operator. Was this a true accident?
Any details? Name of movie?
