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Re: The First PSUBs Fatality

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 11:07:27 -0800 (PST) Ray Keefer writes:
>Wow. Come into work after a relaxing weekend and the whole alias is 

Kinda makes you wish you'd stayed by your office computer all weekend,
doesn't it?    Well, maybe not?

>Can we get articles? Photos? News clippings? I want to start a new page
>called "Disasters"? I want to be very chilling clear that if you screw
>you are DEAD.

There does not seem to be a record of this sort of thing.  I'll ask

Yeah, but DEAD doesn't seem to have the same impact on the young
ones that it used to have.   

>Were these guys members of the PSUB group?

Good question.  I doubt it.  Who were they?

>I think it would be nice to collect some stats. Maybe once a year the
>could report in how many dives they did in the year. How many accidents.
>With accident reports. How many deaths.... This way we can learn from 
>each others mistakes.

Ray, I love the idea of a list of numbers of dives and acident reports.
If you'd like for me to be the contact person, I will do so.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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