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Re: The First PSUBs Fatality

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 13:40:43 -0600  Brian Danielson writes:
>I may still have a newspaper photo of a 2-man psub in Germany (article
>caption in German) where both occupants died. If I can find it, I'll
>and submit to you.

Please do find that photo.

As Ray and I have suggested, a list of accidents is necessary.   

A list of successes and accomplishments is also important.

Keep in mind that if we don't do it, the Feds might.   In 1968, Rep.
Rogers of 
Florida introduced H.R, 16286, the "Submersible Vessel Safety Act."  In 
this, it was proposed the the USCG be given the power to license and
inspect all submersibles and their operators.  No difference between 
commerical and private boats was made.

Perhaps what is needed is a submarine version of the EAA.


Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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