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Re: The First PSUBs Fatality


Wow. Come into work after a relaxing weekend and the whole alias is alive!
I'll skip adding my 2 cents worth in, the horse is already dead. :)

> A one atmosphere three man submersible suffered a catastrophic failure 
> of one of its viewports.  This happened in 38' of water, the sub was 
> designed to operate at a depth of 100'.  When the viewport failed, one 
> man drowned, and the other was barely able to escape with his life by 
> making a free accent to the surface.  The man was killed by his own sub. 
> I'm sure he thought "it can't happen to me, I've designed and built this 
> sub myself".

Can we get articles? Photos? News clippings? I want to start a new page
called "Disasters"? I want to be very chilling clear that if you screw up
you are DEAD.

Were these guys members of the PSUB group?

I think it would be nice to collect some stats. Maybe once a year the members
could report in how many dives they did in the year. How many accidents.
With accident reports. How many deaths.... This way we can learn from 
each others mistakes.
