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Re: Accident data

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 13:30:01 -0800 (PST) Ray Keefer writes:
>I second the motion. Michael your it. Let me know when you got 
>something ready for the web site.

Love to.  First, I need data.

I do have Busby's list of accidents, and the MTS safety and operational 
guidelines with their lists.  

If anyone out there has collected a list, please send it to me.   Use
address for text, or <mholt@richmond.edu> for anything else.


>Pull on your thinking caps. Any submarine accidents out there? Anything
>professional, military, PSUBS. I think all accidents should at least be
>looked at for relevance for the group.

Military accidents are covered in excruciating detail on several
Come to think of it, most of them are significant because we have all the
dangers they have.

It's the little events that we need to know about.   Stuff that is
reported in
local papers, if at all.   Odds are that the events we need to know about
never reported anywhere at all, because there is no insurance reports to
make and no injuries to attend to.

Let's also think about a standard "incident report form."

>I seem to recall a movie some years ago about a research sub that got
>on some cables. It had two chambers. One was a diver lock out chamber. 
>It was designed for one man but some kid went along for a ride. Being 
>untrained the kid hyperventalated and used up all the oxygen before they
>be rescued. The rescue occurred via a tethered ROV with a grappling

I can never recall the title of it, but I saw it.

>I think Jason Robard's played the ROV operator. Was this a true
>Any details? Name of movie?

It was based on the Johnson-Sea Link accident. 

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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