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Re: Accident data

On Thu, 04 Mar 1999 10:23:21 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>Axel Iehle wrote:
>> Speaking of sub movies, did you all see Cousteau's movie about subs
>> that included:
>> 1- a rescue simulation of a diving-saucer trapped inside a cave (if I
>> well in the end it was no more a simulation: the sub was really
>> 2- a small-scientific-subs meeting
>Yes I think I have copies also. I would watch any mini sub footage I
could get my
>hands on, then go over them closely for design ideas. Looking to see how
>"experts" build subs. I really liked the one when they got all the small
>together for a group dive!

When the psub idea first came to me I was in my early teens, and the only

small submarines at that time were military.  So I collected information
the Welman and the like.

I'd like to know more about the videos you two mentioned. 

Michael Holt

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