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Re: Unmanned test dives

On Thu, 04 Mar 99 17:09:51 +0100 Axel Iehle <ai@augusta.cma.fr> writes:
>So I was wondering if they would accept to take the risk of 
>imploding a sub and thus possibly damaging the chamber (of course you 
>should  be responsible for your sub destroyed, but are you also for the 
Axel has a good point here, but I presume it's been settled by contract
years past.

Who *is* responsible for the test chamber?

When Alvin was being built, one of the hulls was tested to a pressure
that blew the lid off the chamber (the hull survived).   I didn't read
Woods Hole or the Navy had to spring for the repairs to either the
test chamber or to the cars in the parking lot (mineral oil was sprayed 
all over  the cars when the lid blew).

What the insurance angle on a homebuilt u-boat?  Can they be insured?
(In my thoughts on this matter years ago, I decided to require signing a
waiver -- which would be left ashore.)

Michael Holt

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