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Re: Accident data

On Sun, 07 Mar 1999 23:55:22 -0800 Rick Lucertini <empiricus@sprint.ca>
>Michael B Holt wrote:
>> the Welman
>Hi, Michael - I'm not familiar with this boat.   Do you have more on it?

Hi, Rick.

I have a little more.   It's a British one-man sub from WW2.   It looked
a bit like Kittredge's boat (he actually piloted a Welman, in the early 
50s), but that's the only similarity.   The Welman's ballast tanks were 
saddle tanks.   It was full of batteries, and trimmed  fore and aft with
weight on a threaded rod.   The rudder and diving planes were a single
piece just behind the single screw.

The combat load was, I think, a mine attached to the nose.   The Welman
would cruise under the enemy ship, drop the mine, and back out.

It didn't work very well, and, of course, the British have never revealed
anything about operations.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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