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Re: A wife speaks! Again!

> Hey, shouldn't this be a perfume that smells like welding?

Jon: Yea, that was my thought, but mix in paint and battery fumes too.

> How long have you guys been married?

Uhhh, about errrr, lets see, it has been 6752 days or 18.5 years in metric.I
think I got that conversion right, but tell me how many furlongs in a

> Jon, you'll have to see that she's here more often.

Debbie:  The only problem with that is it means Jon would have to be on here
less.It's hard enough to get him off the computer for other things, let alone
so that I can use the computer.
(If you know what I mean). I think he would get very jealous if I took over
for him on the Psub group.
But, hey, maybe that's how we spouses could get their attention.  If we all
took a sudden interest in the Psub mailing list,
just think what confusion that would cause. All I have to do is ask Jon a
question about how something works or is made on his sub and I have his
undivided attention. Of course I would have to revive him first, as he would
have fainted from the shock of me asking about it.  I mean, after all, I hear
about it, whether I ask a question or not. For those of you who haven't been
through the building process yet, just wait.  The mailing list "ain't
nothing" compared to the actual building.  When they move into the garage,
you know they're serious.  I knew I was in trouble when my son's first word
was "sub" not MaMa or DaDa like a normal child's.  Then think of the complex
the poor child has when they go to school and are talking about the sub with
classmates and the others think your child is lying or making up stories.  Or
you get a phone call from the teacher asking you if it is true?  There have
been lots of raised eyebrows over the years.  At first it was a little
uncomfortable, but now we use the sub when giving directions to our home.
You see, everyone knows where the sub builder and/or the sub lives. It has
also caused many a driver to strain their neck muscles as they drive by.  So
as you build your sub, keep in mind that there are many things to be aware
of, not just structural considerations and underwater safety.

> Hey, Jon!   Does she have a sister?

Debbie:  Yes, I have three sisters, but they are all married. And none of
them have any interest in the sub. I didn't have any interest in the sub at
first either.  In fact, when Jon told me he was going to build a sub, I kind
of felt like "I would believe it when I see it".  But then I saw this "old
ugly, stinky propane tank" that was covered with multiple layers of scabby
paint in my yard.  That was the last I saw of Jon for about 3 years.  When he
resurfaced, he had a pretty yellow submarine.  Seriously, it really wasn't
that bad, but there were some days that was how I felt.  There were times
when I would fix dinner and he didn't come in.  In order to get him to eat, I
would have to take it out to him and he would eat it while looking at the sub
and planning the next phase.  But seeing all the planning and the studying
and calculating that he did before he did any building made me feel pretty
secure when it came to doing any diving in it.  I went with him on the first
major unmanned test dive to 140 ft.  After going through all of that, and Jon
is standing here asking me if he can build another sub, I know that I will
support him, if that is what he really wants to do.  Am I crazy?
Maybe.....That is all for tonight.  I'm going to dive into bed.:-) Debbie

> Michael B. Holt