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[NOISE] Re: [NOISE] Re: A wife speaks!

Hi Rick,

>> >Axel Iehle wrote:
>> >>                 "I want my husband to pay more attention to me.
>> >>                 Do you have any parfume that smells like Psubs mailing
>> >>list?"
>> >> - Hi Rick, Hi Phil, Hi Gary, Hi Jon (Shawl), Hi Paolo!

>Eh, mon Dieu!  Est-ce-que c'est possible qu'y il ya des femmes sur la liste?
>AAAAAhhhhhhh......  mon pauvre territoire des hommes!  Bien sur des vrais >
>Des hommes qui regard le Monday Night Football, naturellement!  (pardon mon >
>- je manque des mots et des phrases des fois).

>Non, une liste comme ce lui ci (cringe) n'a pas des "flames".  We are in the >
>of cooling down the flames.  There are one or two incidents still to smooth >
over off
>the list?  But, "Axel", your husband is lucky to have such a supporting and 
HOT >woman
>like you - you said hello to the five hottest guys on the list!!!  (notice >
>first - ahem)

Ohoh! It seems that what I was fearing exactly occured!
Sorry to disappoint you Rick, but I'm man too.
I don't doubt you're amongst the hottest guys on the list (before I joined it, 
of course) but still I'm not interested ;-) I'm used to prefer women, 'could 
have been different... but IT'S NOT!

>Ahhh, a woman's intuition.  Let's all be nice, hmmmm?   :-)

Where I live, hot-latin-blood people would take this as an insult! You should 
know this, Ricky "le parrain" Lucertini. OK, I won't kill you this time ;-) 
(NB: I have no gun)

>We switched to metric close to 20 years ago.  I love the ten metres ~ =one >
>part.  It makes life easy.

Yes that's easy. Every ten meter One more Atm. Still want to count in 
nails,inches, hands, arms?...

Axel Iehle