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Re: Visibilty / Safty or Safty / Visibility ?

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 13:16:05 -0600 Paul Julius writes:
>Rick wrote:
>2nd of 2:  "Submanaut".  Made of 4 in. thick PLYWOOD "donuts", covered 
>with 0.75 in. of epoxied glass fibre.  TESTED to 350 ft., operating
depth 200 ft.  
>Crush depth calculated at 1,000 ft.  4 hrs. at 1 kt
>That is fabulous!  Where can I read more about that sub?

I talked with the builder, Mr. Helle, in the mid 80s.   He still had the
boat then, 
but it wasn't in the water or being used.     His wife asked me if I
wanted it.  Apparently, it wasn't deemed safe by the Mrs. at *any* time.

This brings up another "safety" point: what do we do when our Significant
Other doesn't approve?   How do we convince someone with, say, a degree
in art history that the engineering is sound?

And that suggests yet another thing: are there any girls building

Michael Holt

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