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Re: Significant Other / inspector!

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999 18:16:54 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>Michael B Holt wrote:
>> This brings up another "safety" point: what do we do when our
>> Other doesn't approve?   How do we convince someone with, say, a
>> in art history that the engineering is sound?
>> And that suggests yet another thing: are there any girls building
>> backyard u-boats?
>> Michael Holt
>No girl sub builders that I know of.

Damn shame, that.  But if we found out, the poor girl would get offers
of marriage.

>You know, a wife can tell if a hubby knows what he is doing.

I dunno.  I know thye like to *say* they know.
>My wife has a RN degree, and she will go diving with me in my sub.

You start with an advantage: she can evaluate what you're doing
in terms that make sense to you.

>If she doesn't approve, maybe you should start over?
>After all, that is the first safety test a sub must pass.

I suppose it is (musingon these matters, and rubbing my chin).

>Someone told me once, Divers do it deeper.???

Submariners do it deepest and longest.
Submariners do it in greater comfort.
Submariners don't require special clothing.


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