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Re: How about fish finders? and speaking of periscopes...

Hi Greg
I was going through my overflowing P-sub e-mail and re-reading some of it when
I noticed you sent this to Gary
and the Psub group. Is he a friend or do you know him? He is the first contact
I had with the Psub group,
I like him a lot, he has been helpful to me in getting to know some of the
other more serious subbers in the group.
Im finding the best people to meet are the quiet ones that have been in the
group for some time. Tell me a little about yourself if you don't mind. Do you
have a sub?
Sincerely, Jon Shawl


> First of all - Congrats to Ken, and thanks for letting us all live
> vicariously through you and your maiden launch.
> Secondly - has anyone ever considered mounting a commercial fish finder to
> the sub in order to see the bottom ( and depth to it). Some of the newer
> ones have great greaphics, I just don't know if the transducer would
> withstand the increased pressure.  Also, one mounted so that it was
> oriented forward, may serve as a type of sonar device. Just a thought.
> Finally, how or where does one go to get ofr make a periscope.  I have been
> all over the internet without much success. Any Ideas?
> Sincerely-
> Greg Snyder