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Re: Visibility / Safety or Safety / Visibility ?

>> How deep are they going in the successful fiberglass dry 1 Atm, subs?

>2nd of 2:  "Submanaut".  Made of 4 in. thick PLYWOOD "donuts", covered 
with 0.75 in.
>of epoxied glass fibre.  TESTED to 350 ft., operating depth 200 ft.  
Crush depth
>calculated at 1,000 ft.  4 hrs. at 1 

I've been reading mail from you all for a wile and I read the complete 
archive and i took the submanaut idea and i started to make it. if it 
worked once why discount it a a viable hull material??? I'm making a 6' 
diameter wood donuts with a 5' diameter inner circle with about 3/4 to 
an inch of fiberglass in side and out that's alitle over two feet thick 
and about 12 to 15 feet long, with a 3 foot tower i think it should work 
to the hundred feet depth i wish to go if the submanaut went 350,, what 
i don't know about is the view ports and ballast tanks, I'd like to 
purchase the view ports pre-made and if any one could tell me the best 
way to make the ballast tanks I appreciate it.


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