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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Electric, Radio, Hull

Hi Stratus,
I haven't completed my sub yet, but went about sizing the motors by looking
at other subs of similar size & what motors they had, & estimating from that what my need would be.
3 knots kept coming up in my searches as a reasonable top speed for a personal submersible.
Double the speed underwater & you quadruple your power output.
I believe I've heard of people making scale models of their sub & pulling them through the water at their
intended maximum speed with a line attached to something like fishing scales.
I am not sure whether there is a direct correlation to the scaling up of the model & the force required to
pull it at a given speed. i.e.. if your model has a 1 liter displacement & takes 100 grams force to pull it at
3 knots does this mean that if your sub is 1000 liters displacement it will take 100 kilos of force to push
it at the same speed. Someone smarter than me might want to comment.
Regards Alan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Electric, Radio, Hull

I think the answer to your first question is a complex formula that can't be made simple with the exception of possibly using other subs as a guide.  Most subs top out at between 2-5 knots underwater.  You might check the archives because it's been discussed before but I don't recall the particulars.

Re: Radio Frequencies; use whatever is required in the jurisdiction you are operating.  In the US, marine band is required when operating off-shore or within intra-coastal waterways and if operating inland PSUBS guidelines recommend FRS frequencies.  Some sub operators use CB frequencies inland.

Re: elliptical vs sphere; do you mean a tank head?  If so, they are usually purchased.  A tank head can certainly be made up of segments welded together to form a specific shape (which saves weight) but the difficulty of doing so is not something I can speak to.

Check www.psubs.org -> Resources & Reference -> Design Tools for software that can be used for various submarine components design.


On 2/27/2012 9:01 PM, Stratus Radix wrote:
Hello I have a few questions:

First: How to you calculate the Electric motor size needed to go a certain speed. I know drag and water dynamics matter but I just want a rough sketch. Also when powering the motor is it better to use AC or DC?
Second: What radio frequencies do you need at sea and what types of radios would you need also.
Last: Is it difficult to build an elliptical bow rather than a spherical bow? Is it worth it? Is there any software out there to help out on Submarine design?
This isn't really an important question but, what are the positions/stations of a submarine?

That's all, thanks!