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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] prepare for congressional intervention

Because the ABS (GL, Lloyds, etc) standards are so widely known and accepted by industry and regulators, I'm having a hard time imagining a situation in which we would be criticized for following such standards except what I've seen on this list by people who believe they can do as well without them. However, we do have our own standards and guidelines already which were originally intended to be all encompassing as you are suggesting here, but evolved into being an "addendum" that incorporates content specific to recreational submersibles that is important to us but not specifically covered by industry standards.

Main Menu -> Resources & References -> Standards & Guidelines -> PSUBS Guidelines
Here you will find Design Guidelines for Personal Submersibles, Construction Guidelines for Personal Submersibles, and Operating Guidelines for Personal Submersibles. You will also find logs of RFC's submitted to add, modify, delete these rules as well as when the rules were adopted. Also note there is a form for psubbers to submit proposals for changes to any of the documents. You probably remember earlier this year that we adopted a specific SUBCONN electrical connector as a "standard" for psubs. That proposal went through this RFC process in which we create the RFC and send it out to PSUBS members, and then define a time period (usually 30 days) for comments from our members. Any changes are incorporated into the final draft which is then voted upon by the membership. This process provides structure and guarantees that all members can suggest changes, have input to a proposal that may affect them philosophically or financially (if equipment is required), and also has a "vote" on a proposal.

The original rules were carved most from US Coast Guard requirements and federal law since there was no reason to duplicate existing content in publicly available documents by any of the certifying agencies. You will see from the log entries that only three rather innocuous changes have been submitted since 2007, which I think would tend to support the argument that most of us are not "rule hungry tyrants" (my own words...nobody has called us that...yet) or paranoid about congressional intervention. I believe most of them are just common sense things that are not unreasonably restrictive.


Jens Laland wrote:
My proposal is that we continue making our own documents.

In doing so we could include (cut and paste) sections and paragraphs from
third part documents.

We should also consider to modify such sections and paragraphs as we see
fit to better suit our own type of vessels and operations.

Then, at least we will have some documentation of our own to show the
authorities when the said next-event comes.

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