Here is one picture I had not uploaded before of the interior of the starboard thruster. You can see the wires coming out of the SS tube that is welded to the main housing. The gray silver paint was in bad shape. Szybowski From: Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:05:43 -0500 Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Side Thruster Removal on K-250 #118 To: Hi Brent. Your sub was built a long time ago, and I'm sure the available
paints have gotten better since then. The grey paint is probably a zinc rich
coating if it's still in good shape after all these years. I have some paint
called "zincalate" that we used all the time when I was working and it lasts
many years. I have a friend who used it on a small metal ladder for his live
aboard sail boat, and it was still good after 5 years, submerged in salt water
for long periods. It's not cheap, but works. Will you be doing your own
sand blasting? I'm not at that stage yet, but will probably rent a blaster when
the time comes. Brian from Ojai may want to get together with us when you
visit. He's building a concrete sub. Frank D. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! |