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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] acrylic dome escape pod question for Carsten.

Hi Carsten.
It seems I did intrepret you correctly. I thought that was how it worked but wasn't sure. Thanks for telling me.
One thing I am wondering about is, once you pressurize the hull to ambient so the dome will lift off taking you to the surface,
this means your lungs are now filled with pressurized air instead of 1 atmosphere air. Wouldn't this mean you would have to
forcefully expell the air by saying a loud AHHHHH or even yelling as you rose to keep the pressurized air from bursting your lungs
rather than just breathing normally like you said to do? As the dome rose the air in the dome would spill out the bottom as it expanded
and the air remaining in the dome would become less pressurized so as you breathed that dome air you would be breathing steadily
decreasing in pressure air. So as you rose and breathed out of the dome you would not burst your lungs because the air
you were breathing from the dome was decreasing in pressure. That would work if you rose slowly.
But in reality wouldn't the dome rise so fast that there would not be time for your lungs to adjust to the decrease in air pressure before they burst from the rapid accent and air expansion?
Also what would happen if you lost hold of the handles? Do you think it might be a good idea to have a shoulder harness on that would clip attach to the handles on the dome so if your hands
lost hold you would not lose the dome?
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.
Hi Bill..

Proposal for an emergency procedure to get
out of a boat with top side dome:

- Open the holder for the dome -outside pressure will hold him in place.
- if nessesary remove hinges holder bolts.
- Open the big flood vale in the bottom area
- if abvailable open also the remains of compressed storage air to
the    cabin to speed up the compression process.
- if inside and outside pressure is equal the dome will lift away -
make   sure that your hands on the two inside handles of the dome and
you head  is inside the dome bubble.
- This parachute dome will lift you with a high spped to the surface -
make sure that you breath normaly in and out. Make sure that the design
of your flood vale is that way that the flooding get quick - so that you
have not to much time to stay under higher pressure - because of the
decompression tickness..

best regards Carsten