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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Converting from 1 atmosphere to ambient for escape?

I forgot to mention. If you have the room for a diver lockout CHAMBER, you also have a built in flood/scuttle valve. If you left the diver lockout chamber door open to the hull and flooded the chamber, you flood the hull.
The above is assuming you DON'T have a chamber door safety switch which made sure the chamber door was fully closed and latched before the flood valve could work, or you disable said switch.
You can also make a small 1 atmosphere sub have a diver lockout (without a chamber) by pressurizing the interior to equal the outside pressure and opening a lower hatch  to escape as in an ambient sub.
Therebye changing your small 1 atmosphere sub into an ambient sub for either diveing purposes or escape.
If you used this for diving purposes you could reenter the sub, close the lower hatch, then let off interior air pressure and change it back to a 1 atmosphere sub.
Small size interior space does not necessarily preclude a diver lockout. Just become ambient. 
I wonder if anyone has built a 1 atmosphere sub that converted to ambient and back again?  The neat thing for diving with it would be you could start offgassing the nitrogen from your body as soon as you converted the sub to 1 atmosphere again
so you could stay underwater in the 1 atmosphere sub and offgas, then convert the sub to ambient and go out again. I wonder how hard it would be to install an internal bottom hatch on the Kitteridge 350 and pressurize it to ambient and back to 1 atmosphere again?
Just more alternatives.  I like this forum as a sounding board for raw sub ideas that we can tweak into workable ones. Some sub ideas might need refinement, more discussion, or wise deletion, but none are stupid.
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.