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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Midget Gyro-Compass, was : want to purchase

>From: Carsten Standfuss <MerlinSub@t-online.de>

> I looking know for somebody of our Psubs own Electric freaks which can
> tell me in simple words something like :
> "After 5 Hours runtime the compass has an error of +- xy degrees.."

Well, there is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom here on
pSubs ( I know, because you are a valued part of that knowledge
base here ). Ray made the comment that we were a bunch
of over-acheivers, but I've come to know that the members are all way
above average intelligence, IMHO, ( some bordering on genius
and madness :-) .   I'm not the most knowledgeable person here,
but collectively we always seem to come up with answers and

> So - I print is out , scan it - make a JPG and put is to Moki files 
> as Small Gyro CR203 Report for the Group. Seems a good solution for any
> small psub ?

It can be. Bottom line is use what you know and what you are familiar
with.  Don't re-invent the wheel. If you're more comfortable with
analog/mechanical instrumentation then stick with that, or a combination
of both. The CRS03 isn't the only digital-gyro on the market. It was
a device I had on file as a possibility. There are packages that come
complete with LCD readouts and data-loggers, more expensive of
course, but perhaps more suitable for your application. I will keep
Have you thought about Russian surplus? Is there a broker in your area
that deals in surplus materials?  There were Russian Yak trainers for
sale ( $10000usd to $40000usd ), prop and jet.  The avionics alone
might be worth the price and you would have the gyros not to mention
all kinds of hydraulics and mechanical parts.  You could harvest the
parts and sell the airframe to get some of your money back.
Oh well....just a thought.
