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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Garage and nuclear psub?

>For the record, The only person I ever have to report to is my wife, who is convinced that the fiberglass hull >in the garage will someday become a stylish flower
>planted.  I show her pictures of Carsten’s sub when she complains that it is hard for her to get her car in the >garage next to the sub hull. Thanks Carsten!
>Best wishes for a New Year to all.
>Greg Snyder

Hi Greg - the most reason that my Euronaut has this size its thats my
wife wants the place in the garage for her car.. so I have to build the
sub outside - and for the reason that I want also to build during
wintertime - I decided that the sub should have a size so I can have a
warm workshop inside.. 

Unfortuntaly today I have so many equipment like compressor etc. to
temporay storage - that all this "Equipment awaiting inbuilding" is now
in the garage - and the car more or less outside.. 

I decided that the sub gets an diesel drive because I need the old
russian Mark II atom-reactor in my basement for the heating and hot
water system of the house during wintertime.. But maybe in summer times
I can use two or three of the fuelsticks for the sub - have to disscuss
that with my wife.. she is allways affraid when I play with the reactor
controls - all vales are marked in russian letters.. and sometimes the
shower-water get pretty hot. 

(Will somebody copy this letter for the NSA files ?
 But seems they have no rights in Germany ?)

best regards, Carsten ;-)   WWW.Euronaut.org