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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Garage and nuclear psub?

Y' know that isn't so outlandish.  Some time ago when I made a living jumping into nuclear reactor heat exchangers to do maintenance in high rad environments, I had a chance to talk to several engineer types.

I gather that in the bowels of the earth someplace in Pensylvania there are some experimental reactors that were intended for home use.  The "core", a wafer the size of a hockey puck, had to be replaced once a year or so at a cost of a hundred dollars.  The reactor would provide all heat and electricity for the house during that time. 

Supposedly it was viable except for the little detail about needing weapons grade plutonium.  Now, I saw some wierd and strange things in that building while I was there... I suspect that we were much further along in laser weaponry in the early 80's than anyone knew, though I couldn't see much through the lab door window... but I never saw a reactor like I heard described so it may be one of those "urban legends".

Now there is at least one Russian sub with an intact reactor on the ocean floor... if anyone wants to try to go get it... Carsten can probably transcribe the control labels from the one in his basement... nicht wahr?

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 11:02, Carsten Standfuss wrote:
>For the record, The only person I ever have to report to is my wife, who is convinced that the fiberglass hull >in the garage will someday become a stylish flower
>planted.  I show her pictures of Carstens sub when she complains that it is hard for her to get her car in the >garage next to the sub hull. Thanks Carsten!
>Best wishes for a New Year to all.
>Greg Snyder

Hi Greg - the most reason that my Euronaut has this size its thats my
wife wants the place in the garage for her car.. so I have to build the
sub outside - and for the reason that I want also to build during
wintertime - I decided that the sub should have a size so I can have a
warm workshop inside.. 

Unfortuntaly today I have so many equipment like compressor etc. to
temporay storage - that all this "Equipment awaiting inbuilding" is now
in the garage - and the car more or less outside.. 

I decided that the sub gets an diesel drive because I need the old
russian Mark II atom-reactor in my basement for the heating and hot
water system of the house during wintertime.. But maybe in summer times
I can use two or three of the fuelsticks for the sub - have to disscuss
that with my wife.. she is allways affraid when I play with the reactor
controls - all vales are marked in russian letters.. and sometimes the
shower-water get pretty hot. 

(Will somebody copy this letter for the NSA files ?
 But seems they have no rights in Germany ?)

best regards, Carsten ;-)   WWW.Euronaut.org

Dale A. Raby
The Green Bay Web
