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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Garage and nuclear psub?

On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 18:02:28 +0100 Carsten Standfuss writes:
>Hi Greg - the most reason that my Euronaut has this size its thats my
>wife wants the place in the garage for her car.. so I have to build 
>the sub outside - and for the reason that I want also to build during
>wintertime - I decided that the sub should have a size so I can have a
>warm workshop inside.. 

It is good that you are so practical.   I hope this kind of practical
logic works at my house.

>Unfortuntaly today I have so many equipment like compressor etc. to
>temporay storage - that all this "Equipment awaiting inbuilding" is 
>now in the garage - and the car more or less outside.. 

That's seems to be normal when one has both a car and a garage.

>I decided that the sub gets an diesel drive because I need the old
>russian Mark II atom-reactor in my basement for the heating and hot
>water system of the house during wintertime.. But maybe in summer 
>times I can use two or three of the fuelsticks for the sub - have to 
>disscuss that with my wife.. she is allways affraid when I play with the

>reactor controls - all vales are marked in russian letters.. and
sometimes the
>shower-water get pretty hot. 

Tell your wife that she must stop worrying.   The only thing that might
a problem is if the water starts glowing.

>(Will somebody copy this letter for the NSA files ?
> But seems they have no rights in Germany ?)

I read somewhere that France, the UK, the U.S. and Germany
had agreed to spy on each others' citizens.   (It's illegal for the
agencies to monitor internal communications, so they all made 
a virtue out of the difficulty, and assist each other in watching
each other.)

No magic hidden spy agency will care about me.  I want to make
my sub out of plywood using auto parts!

Mike H.

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