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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kitset law

there is no exemption for subs built out of kits.
certification is required when paying passengers are being transported
regardless of who built it from scratch or from parts.
Most often components of the sub have to be also certified, like the view
ports, high pressure fittings, hatches or penetrators.
A certified sub is an addition of certified components and parts
A sub may be ABS certified it does mean either you can take paying
passengers, it depends of local regulations and on the location where the
sub had been built.
ABS certification for a small sub cost anywhere between $15,000 to $25,000,
those guys review everything at $150 /hr
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carsten Standfuss" <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kitset law

> Rob send:
> Does anyone know what exactly the legalities of selling kit set
> submersibles are?  Is there a certification exemption if the
> buyer/builder completes over 51% of
> the work, much like the EAA exemption for kitset aircraft? How exactly
> do they measure what 51% of the work might be? Is it done by Total Man
> Hours?
> Presumably a kitset manufacturer could do a lot more work in a given man
> hour than an individual kit builder so in theory you may be able to sell
> a kit almost
> 90% complete. Are there any partially complete submersibles on the
> market today? Any answers to these questions would be greatly
> appreciated
> Rob Innes
> Hi Rob..
> Here in Germany its a simple answer:
> If you purchase a scuba pressure bottle from one supplier and a jacket
> from an other and an regulator from a third.. - and connect it just
> together - than you are the manufacturer of the scuba dive gear and
> responsible for it - even if you not build any of this equipment.
> I think - if you purchase a submarine without a hatch from one person
> and build or purchase the hatch from another - and connect it together
> so that the vessel get operational - you are responsible for the subs
> operational certification..
> Also I think - if you purchase a ready to dive submarine - and you take
> some modifications like other batteries or something in this case -
> you are also responsible..
> "Do not break this label or you lost our factory warranty.."
> regards Carsten