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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Mad Pirate Shin on the loose

The Key Point Torpedo base and museum on Vashon Is. in 
Washington state is free and they have the Triest and 
Deep Space?? 4000 on display. 
--- Original Message ---
From: "Mad Pirate Shin" 
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Mad Pirate Shin on the 

><html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
><P>Mark and all,</P></DIV>
><P>&nbsp; The 'Mad Pirate' was an attempt at a 
playful handle.&nbsp; I don't particularly care that 
much for the government, but I have no plans to add 
torpedoes to my mini-sub.</P></DIV>
><P>&nbsp; I would like to begin construction 
on&nbsp;my own sub within the next five years, 
but&nbsp;I have a lot to do before then.&nbsp; My 
first love&nbsp;was outer space, but the oceans hold 
the same allure with easier access.&nbsp; Right now, 
I'd like to see a real sub in person to get a feel for 
what I'm in for with this project.</P>
><P>&nbsp; At the moment, I live in Tennessee, but am 
planning&nbsp;to move to the coast in the 
spring.&nbsp; The PSubs convention is an opportunity 
for me to see the Pacific coastline, as well as a good 
excuse for a road trip.</P>
><P>&nbsp; If you know of any PSubs in the lower 48, 
or any submarine related attractions, please let me 
know.&nbsp; I would really be thrilled if&nbsp;someone 
were to invite me for a tour of their PSub.&nbsp; I 
will probably be traveling by way of I-40 or I-
10.&nbsp; I have traveled both in the past and 
although I-40 is prettier either route is fine by 
me.&nbsp; I'll have plenty of time for side-trips, so 
all suggestions are welcome.</P>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp; Shin<BR>
><DIV><FONT face="Garamond, Times, Serif" 
color=#006600>"And further more, be advised that 
although this is actually a live broadcast and is 
being sent out at this very moment, it is quite 
possible that it may arrive tomorrow, right now, or 
perhaps even yesterday."<EM><FONT face="Garamond, 
Times, Serif"> <FONT color=#000000>-Serial Experiments 
Lain ep#8</FONT></FONT></EM></FONT></DIV>
><DIV><EM><FONT face=Garamond></FONT></EM>&nbsp;</DIV>
><DIV><EM><FONT face=Garamond></FONT></EM>&nbsp;</DIV>
><P></P>----Original Message Follows---- <BR>From: Ray 
Keefer <RAY.KEEFER@SUN.COM><BR>Reply-To: 
personal_submersibles@psubs.org <BR>To: 
personal_submersibles@psubs.org <BR>Subject: [PSUBS-
MAILIST] Mad Pirate Shin on the loose <BR>Date: Thu, 
18 Jul 2002 14:34:50 -0700 (PDT) <BR><BR>Hi, 
<BR><BR>Mad Pirate Shin is coming to the Convention 
via the Sothern route from <BR>Tennessee to Oregon. 
Are there any PSUBers he can stop by and visit? 
<BR><BR>Speak up. You can reply to him directly at 
psub_only_temporary@hotmail.com <BR>if you prefer to 
keep your address off the list. <BR><BR>Thanks, 
<BR>Ray <BR></div><br clear=all><hr>Chat with friends 
online, try MSN Messenger: <a 