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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kitset law

Rob send: 

Does anyone know what exactly the legalities of selling kit set
submersibles are?  Is there a certification exemption if the
buyer/builder completes over 51% of
the work, much like the EAA exemption for kitset aircraft? How exactly
do they measure what 51% of the work might be? Is it done by Total Man
Presumably a kitset manufacturer could do a lot more work in a given man
hour than an individual kit builder so in theory you may be able to sell
a kit almost
90% complete. Are there any partially complete submersibles on the
market today? Any answers to these questions would be greatly

Rob Innes 

Hi Rob..

Here in Germany its a simple answer: 

If you purchase a scuba pressure bottle from one supplier and a jacket
from an other and an regulator from a third.. - and connect it just
together - than you are the manufacturer of the scuba dive gear and
responsible for it - even if you not build any of this equipment. 

I think - if you purchase a submarine without a hatch from one person
and build or purchase the hatch from another - and connect it together
so that the vessel get operational - you are responsible for the subs
operational certification.. 

Also I think - if you purchase a ready to dive submarine - and you take
some modifications like other batteries or something in this case -
you are also responsible.. 

"Do not break this label or you lost our factory warranty.." 

regards Carsten