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So how to proceed? Do we need to make and official PSUBS spec? Like
along the lines of the ABS book we all love?

I see Doc's, Pat's and Doug's comments combined into the Introduction.
But where to go from there? With our limited resources can we really
put the research needed to produce an accurate book? Still I am game,
after the convention, to take a shot. Below are suggested chapters.
The content of which can be filled out as we proceed.

Any other chapters you would like? Better Arrangement?

	Title: How to PSUBS
	Publisher: www.psubs.org
	    Part I: General Background
		1. Water Physics
		2. Human Physiology
		3. Scuba Certification
		4. Cabin Air
		5. Compressed Gasses
		6. Piping Standards
		7. Welding Standards
		8. Life Support
		9. Compensation
		10. Batteries
		11. Internal Combustion Engines
		12. Thrusters
		13. Ambient verses 1 ATM Design Considerations
		14. Stability: Static
		15. Stability: Dynamic
		16. Altitude Diving
		17. Safety
		18. Documentation
		19. Training
		20. Maintenance
		21. Certification
		22. Insurance
	    Part II: Ambient Design Details
	    	1. Hull Shapes
	    	2. Hull Material
	    	3. Hatches and Entrances
	    	4. View Ports
	    	5. Compensation for Neutral Bouyancy
	    Part III: 1 ATM Design Details
		1. Pressure Hull Shapes
		2. Pressure Hull Material
		2. End caps
		3. Hatches
		4. View Ports
		5. Pressure Hull Calculations
		6. Through Hulls: Mechanical
		7. Through Hulls: Electrical
		8. Through Hulls: Other