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Hi Ray,

 That's a great idea!

You might add a subchapter under ambients for wet subs.

I think Graham Hawkes and I are the only ones out there
utilizing composite pressure hulls at this time, and in comparison,
I'm just a puddle jumper, with no interest in going any deeper than
I have good natural light, but I do feel there will be more back yarders
building with composites in the future, so you might add something about that.



Ray Keefer wrote:

> Ok,
> So how to proceed? Do we need to make and official PSUBS spec? Like
> along the lines of the ABS book we all love?
> I see Doc's, Pat's and Doug's comments combined into the Introduction.
> But where to go from there? With our limited resources can we really
> put the research needed to produce an accurate book? Still I am game,
> after the convention, to take a shot. Below are suggested chapters.
> The content of which can be filled out as we proceed.
> Any other chapters you would like? Better Arrangement?
>         Title: How to PSUBS
>         Publisher: www.psubs.org
>         Chapters:
>             Introduction
>             Part I: General Background
>                 1. Water Physics
>                 2. Human Physiology
>                 3. Scuba Certification
>                 4. Cabin Air
>                 5. Compressed Gasses
>                 6. Piping Standards
>                 7. Welding Standards
>                 8. Life Support
>                 9. Compensation
>                 10. Batteries
>                 11. Internal Combustion Engines
>                 12. Thrusters
>                 13. Ambient verses 1 ATM Design Considerations
>                 14. Stability: Static
>                 15. Stability: Dynamic
>                 16. Altitude Diving
>                 17. Safety
>                 18. Documentation
>                 19. Training
>                 20. Maintenance
>                 21. Certification
>                 22. Insurance
>             Part II: Ambient Design Details
>                 1. Hull Shapes
>                 2. Hull Material
>                 3. Hatches and Entrances
>                 4. View Ports
>                 5. Compensation for Neutral Bouyancy
>             Part III: 1 ATM Design Details
>                 1. Pressure Hull Shapes
>                 2. Pressure Hull Material
>                 2. End caps
>                 3. Hatches
>                 4. View Ports
>                 5. Pressure Hull Calculations
>                 6. Through Hulls: Mechanical
>                 7. Through Hulls: Electrical
>                 8. Through Hulls: Other
> Regards,
> Ray