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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] magazine article

Coalbunny schrieb:
> I vaguely recall what he's alking about.  There was a seaplane the Japs
> had, and they could break it down and carry it on a sub.  They were the
> only (to the best of my knowledge) military force to have ever made a
> strike against the American mainland.  The plane went in to southern
> Oregon (I think) and dropped a few 20 or 50 pound incendiary bombs in
> the forest.  It then returned to the sub and left.  And so on and so
> on.  I did a report on it back in Jr. High.  Good report, but didn't get
> a good grade.  Some how people, even now, think (ot thought) that I was
> full of BS when I tell of the Japs attacking the mainland.  Some people
> don't even know that the Japs help a couple of small bases in the
> Alutians during the early years of the war....
> Carl

Hi - 

The first link gets to the Japanese base on the Aleutians the others to  
Submarine aircraft carriers. Even the British has an underwater aircraft 




The Convair was the Convair XF 2Y "Sea Dart" a Delta wing jet able to
start from 
the water surface - first flights about 1953.. 


see you - Carsten

> "Michael B. Holt" wrote:
> >
> > > Samuel Eisenberg wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.skyhawk.org/aus_sub.htm
> >
> > Not even *I* would want to try that.  I gotta talk with
> > someone who was there ...
> >
> > > Not Convair (I remember that Convair had some delta winged
> > > plane that had water-ski things and could take off from the
> > > water. There's one outside the aerospace museum in San Diego.
> > > Anyone know more?), but the same idea. Air & Space had an
> > > article on the Japanese folding airplane that launched from a
> > > sub in WWII a couple of issues ago.
> >
> > Convair built a handful of screwball delta-wing jets
> > in the early 50s.  The seaplane was the F-7 Sea Dart.
> > It worked, sort of.  I have a book that has a chapter
> > on it.
> >
> > Is that Air & Space article on line anywhere?  I'd
> > like to know more about little Japanse planes.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Mike
> --
> "The plain meaning of the right of the people to keep arms is that it is
> an individual, rather than a collective, right and is not limited to
> keeping arms while engaged in active military service or as a member of
> a select militia such as the National Guard." - U.S. vs. Emerson, 5th
> Circuit Federal Court- published October 16, 2001