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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] magazine article

> Samuel Eisenberg wrote:
> http://www.skyhawk.org/aus_sub.htm

Not even *I* would want to try that.  I gotta talk with
someone who was there ...  
> Not Convair (I remember that Convair had some delta winged
> plane that had water-ski things and could take off from the
> water. There's one outside the aerospace museum in San Diego.
> Anyone know more?), but the same idea. Air & Space had an
> article on the Japanese folding airplane that launched from a
> sub in WWII a couple of issues ago.

Convair built a handful of screwball delta-wing jets
in the early 50s.  The seaplane was the F-7 Sea Dart.
It worked, sort of.  I have a book that has a chapter
on it.

Is that Air & Space article on line anywhere?  I'd 
like to know more about little Japanse planes.

