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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Ayam [Poor psubers Xmas present...]


I thought I'd share a little something with the list.
If you're saving up for that steel pressure hull (or the
extra batteries or the big truck to tow it all, etc.)
and can't afford to dish out the big bucks for a CAD
(Computer Aid Design) package, then I might point you
to a something called "ayam".

It's a free (open source) 3d modelling package, this
isn't a CAD and does lack many of the features.  How
ever it is a really nice 3D modeller that let's you 
go into as much detail as you want.  This type of
software is normally used to do 3D animation (think
Toy Story, Bugs Life, etc.) but it's also great for
turning ideas into realistic looking models.

The web site where you can find more about Ayam is:


The saved files are really small (around 5Kb to 40Kb)
for a sub model (maybe more depending of how complex
you need). It runs on UNIX and Windows.  It has support
for plugins, and if I get some free time I want to
write a submarine plugin containing lots of basic
submarine objects (hatches, tubes, ribs, domes, pipes,
valves, O2 bottles, etc).

Happy holidays,


Stop killing everything.