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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Underwater Gliders

Whiper I (W-1) 

The pilot is in prone position- the boat looks a little 
like Grahm Hawkes Boat or Sgt Peppers without sattle tanks but with
wings. The front dome is more or less in Grahams style but there is
not the pilot in. Behind this dome is the forward endcap with a single
Maybe they use the dome for the bouancy gas - dont know. 
The Pressure hull has cylinder shape but the picture I have here looks
a bad rendering or drawing. 
The description is that the boat was build in the early 60ies - but 
I have only one short discription in a single source. It is not 
displayed in Busbys or on Jane's so maybe the never build it ? 

And yes the russian boat were called Bathyplan and were named 
Atlant 1 (1962) and Thetis 1 (1973). Search the internet - there
is one page with a good discription of all russian submersibles. 

see you - close now - must back to the yard - stern section is crying - 


"Michael B. Holt" schrieb:
> MerlinSub@t-online.de wrote:
> >
> > A similar concept was the Whiper-I(W-I) from General Dynamics.
> > This was a one man sub with a similar concept. I do not now if they
> > build it or not.
> I've never heard of this.  Tell us more.